Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tough times

Have you ever gotten one of those feelings that you have emotionally hit bottom? I think today is that day. The past month has been very difficult for my family with illnesses, and deaths. I cant even begin to describe what we've been through, but hopefully it wont get any worse. I am tired, and drained. The tears have flown, and are now starting to dry up...hopefully things will start to look up soon. I know that I have been neglecting my blog, due to lack of pleasant things to say. I hope that too shall change. May I have something pleasant to share with you soon.

I didn't manage to get my mask done on time for the deadline at The Beadin' Path. I am still trying to see if I might be able to complete it in time for the grand unveiling on June 27Th. I hope to take some pictures soon, if the sun has any plans for reappearing here in Michigan. We have had some real severe storms lately, luckily we were spared at my house (first bit of luck Ive had in awhile), but lots of people have had problems with loss of power, and lots of trees down in the area. I am still working many hours a day at trying to complete the mask, and cant wait to get started on something new but I figure that if I put the mask down now I wont pick it up again for a very long time, and I would just like to finish it, and see it completed. I cant even begin to count how many hours, and beads have gone into this thing, but the number is surely impressive.

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