Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Empty Feeling

Well, I have been in Freeland lately. I decided to check out where the bead store used to be. I guess when people say you can never go back, they really mean it. There was the bead store (where it used to be atleast) and it was empty. I dont know what I was expecting, considering that it closed in November, but it still was a shock to the system. Brian tells me on quite a regular basis as we are driving around Saginaw that "He used to live there" as he points to an old building, or in some cases an empty lot where there used to be a building. I have never given this much thought, but it is strange to see something that is still so fresh in ones memory, but in reality is gone, or changed. It leaves this little blank space, that cannot be filled, for whatever reason. I still have pleasant memories, and even some hopes about the bead store. Somewhere in my head, I am wishing that someone(maybe my old manager, or maybe even myself) will re-rent this location, and again fill it with sparkly little pieces of glass, and friendly people drawn together by a similar hobby. I miss the people, I miss the atmosphere, and I miss the feeling of going to work at a place that I love. I havent gotten a new job (yet), and I dont think I will ever get one that will be quite the same as the bead store. Ive heard many people comment, and I whole heartedly agree, that a job at a bead store is the best job in the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head!! I dearly miss Seasonal Expressions in Freeland. My mother and I used to make a morning out of it on Saturdays when I'd come home for a visit. We'd hit McDonald's for breakfast, enjoying every savory morsel of our Egg McMuffin sandwiches while we dove head first off of our diets. Then we'd make our way back to Seasonal Expressions for a morning of bead shopping delight! We would instinctively grab the biggest baskets we could find by the entrance, because we knew that we'd have them filled up in no time. Never a shopping trip did we come out for less than $100 each, and usually we were approaching $200 each per trip. We'd call to each other from opposite sides of the store, "Oooh, look at this, did you see this?" And then the other would come buzzing over to see what new treasure had been discovered. We loved the great selection of beads and the fabulously low prices they had to offer. Their staff was great, we loved talking with them and having them marvel at our selections as we checked out. We'd make bets on who spent more, and we'd giggle our heads off when we thought we hadn't spent enough. "Wait - that's all I spent? I can go and buy MORE!" How I miss those Saturday mornings at our favorite bead shop, Seasonal Expressions in Freeland!