Thursday, June 11, 2009

On the shores of Dollar Lake...

When I went up north for Memorial Day weekend, we went to one of my very favorite places to visit nature! In northern Michigan, on state land, lays a lake and surrounding forest. You have to hike into the woods to find the lake, and what a find it is! I've camped by this lake before (and hope to again soon), and both my hubby and my children have caught many a fish in this lake (catch and release).

I don't fish, but I like to take pictures and I like to look for "treasures" that I might find on the ground. On this particular trip, I was inspired by the rocks that were "On the shores of Dollar Lake", hence the title for this cuff I made. When I got home with my "treasures", I couldn't wait to dig through my stash of seed beads to find some "sand" to embroider around the stones...

I found what I think is a perfect sand color (matte with a bit of an iridescent glow) and put myself to work on this cuff. I used some snaps for the closure (had them laying around), and the only thing I had to go out and get was a fabric for backing this piece (leather...couldn't find ultra-suede, wrong season they say). This cuff is so comfortable on, you almost forget its there!

Sorry this isn't the best picture, but Ive always wanted to take a nature photo with some jewelry and never found the perfect piece to do it with until now!

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